Top 10 Best ways to learn digital marketing


Best ways to learn digital marketing

Now learning digital marketing is the need of this era. Every business needs digital marketing. Here are the best ways to learn digital marketing.

Join Institute

Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing

Watch videos on Youtube

Read digital marketing books

Read digital marketing blogs

Follow digital marketing mentors on the Internet

Watch podcasts of experts

Learn from Google Digital garage

Learn from Udemy

Join Digital Facebook groups

Join Institute

If you want to learn digital marketing then joining of paid institute is a good option for you. If you want to acquire practical knowledge then you must join the institute. You can learn social media marketing, search engine marketing, influencer marketing, and more. 

The most interesting fact about the institution is you professionally learn things way. Your mentor teaches you from A to Z.

Learn the fundamentals of digital marketing

If you want to master every aspect of digital marketing which is truly difficult then you should learn the fundamentals of digital marketing. If you have the proper knowledge of fundamentals then you will not face difficulty in another aspect of digital marketing. You must learn search engine marketing, search engine optimization, running social media ads, and WordPress.

Watch videos on YouTube

I can’t understand why people do not learn from YouTube. YouTube is one of the best sources to learn digital marketing. Millions of videos are present on YouTube. If you don’t join the institute or buy a paid course then YouTube is the best option for you. You can learn the whole digital marketing from YouTube. There are various YouTube channels for digital marketing. 

YouTube is like a free university where you can learn skills for free.

Read digital marketing books

If you don’t want to buy a paid course then you should read digital marketing books. Though books can not give you practical knowledge about skills. But you can acquire theory knowledge from books. It is a cheaper way than a paid course. If you are reading digital marketing books then keep in mind you must implement the knowledge of books in practice. Sometimes the books on digital marketing are outdated.

The field of digital marketing is fast changing. Many new terms are coming day by day. We can not imagine which update of marketing falls on us at any time. You can buy books on search engine marketing (sem) search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing WordPress, etc.

But as I told you the field of marketing is evolving very fast. Google and other search engines are changing their platform every single hour. Thus read books carefully.

Read digital marketing blogs

Reading digital marketing blogs provides the best output. The reading of books about digital marketing has only one issue which is book knowledge is not very practical and may need to be updated. But don’t worry no more. The reading of digital marketing blogs is an alternative to books. 

You can learn digital marketing different skills by reading and understanding blogs. The main benefits of reading digital marketing blogs are their content is new and practical. You can learn new terms introduced in the field of digital marketing through blogs.

Every search engine like Google, Bing, and Microsoft publish their new term in their blog. You can be aware of these new things if you read digital marketing-related blogs. Every search engine or social media platform has its blog. People can learn from there about various skills. This is a way to educate people about the platform from the owner or team of social media platforms.

Follow a digital marketing mentor on the internet

Everyone has a strong belief that a student can not become successful without a teacher or mentor. A mentor is a person who teaches you. Even if a person is learning digital marketing without joining a paid institute or teacher. But if he follows a mentor on the internet then he will be his mentor

 A mentor contributes to the learning of a man even if he does not know about him. If you are learning digital marketing then you should follow a mentor or teacher in this field on the internet. This is not only about digital marketing. This is also about every field of life. There are many mentors of digital marketing on the internet in Pakistan like Hisham Sarwar, Soban Tariq, and many more.

Watch podcasts of experts

Now podcasts are most emerging in every field. This is a good way to learn what you want. In the podcast, you can listen to the prospects of different people and you know about different things that you did not even listen to. So, watching and listening to podcasts of experts is the best way to learn digital marketing without spending any single piece of money. 

Actually, in the podcast different experts or influencers are sharing their years of experience. You can learn about different skills with the podcasts.

Learn from Google Digital Garage

If you do not have money or don’t want to invest in paid course then don’t worry. Google is also teaching digital marketing for free. The interesting factor of this platform is it will provide you digital marketing certificate. 

We can say that Google Digital Garage is a platform where we can learn different skills in digital marketing. We can learn search engine optimization, search engine marketing WordPress, etc from Google Digital Garage for free. 

In my opinion, you should not spend money to learn if you have these types of free resources which are waiting for you.

Learn from udemy

There are many skills-providing platforms on the internet like Udemy. You can learn different skills in digital marketing from Udemy. You can find paid courses there as well as free courses.

Join digital marketing Facebook groups

You should join digital marketing-related groups on Facebook and in communities. You can grab extra knowledge from Facebook groups. You can find the relevant person according to your field. You can ask for help if you are facing any difficulty. People are sharing the most powerful knowledge in Facebook groups. 


Is knowledge of coding necessary to learn digital marketing?

No, if you don’t know coding. It does not mean that you can’t learn digital marketing. If you know then it is best. Otherwise no issue. You can learn digital marketing.

How much time is required to learn digital marketing?

This depends on the time given by you. However, the average time to acquire in-depth knowledge is 3 months to 1 year.

Can I learn digital marketing without a website?

Yes, a Website is not necessary to learn digital marketing. If you have then it is good. Otherwise, you have no issue.

What are the main types of digital marketing?

The main skills of digital marketing are search engine marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, social media management, and email marketing.


Digital marketing is a field, not a skill. Many skills lie in digital marketing like SEO, SMM, SEM, and WordPress. If you want to learn digital marketing first learn one skill which is chosen by you. You should learn from YouTube as well as from blogs.

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