Best Websites for Freelancing

Now finding the best freelancing platform that may fit your skillset is a challenge. Finding freelance work is not easy. Millions of people make money through freelancing. Approximately 74 million freelancers exist in the world.

As this field has become popular many freelance platforms also developed. Choosing the best freelance platform can be a challenge for freelancers. Here is the list of authentic and full of opportunities for freelancing platforms


Fiverr is one of the best platforms that connect freelancers to business owners. The service providers are called sellers and the business owners called buyers. The seller creates an account and publishes the service which is the gig.

When a buyer purchases the service then Fiverr charges the money and holds it. After the completion of the order, Fiverr gives it to the seller.

 It supports many payment methods. which are Payoneer, and PayPal. The clearance of earnings takes 14 days and depends upon account level. 

You can sell services of all kinds at Fiverr. You can also work at sub-niches.

Fiverr also defined its level systems which are new seller, level one, level two, and top rated.


Upwork is the most used and prominent freelancing platform. Millions of qualified marketers and software developers are there. Upwork gives opportunities to freelancers to create a profile and provide services. It is a competitive platform. 

In the case of upwork client post a job and the freelancer bid on the job. The client checks the list of applied and hired freelancers. 

The interface of Upwork is clear and easy to navigate.  You can work there for both short and long-term projects. It offers an hourly rate and fixed price payment option. You can receive milestone payments which is pretty good.

Upwork charge 20% of the total earning of freelancers. 

Connections are the most important element in the application of a job. Connects required to apply. The position of your proposal depends on the number of connections you spend.


Guru is the largest freelance marketing place. It allows digital marketers, software developers, and other freelancers to connect with companies. Guru is a popular freelancing platform where clients find verified freelancers. Guru has over 31 million users including freelancers and clients.

In the beginning, Guru offered a free basic plan and charged a fee of 9%. It has a paid membership which provides more tools and analysis.

There are many benefits of using Guru. Guru provides safe pay protection. It also customizes jobs depending on your profile information. But, the interface of Guru is not clean and difficult to navigate.


Freelancer is another platform. The experts in social media marketing and other skills people can find work. Freelancer has over 49 million users and over 19 million clients

Freelancer is one of the best platforms which is easy to use. Freelancers can work on both long-term and short-term projects. You can create an account as a seller by putting information. You can mention your skillset, education, and recent work. 

After the completion of the order, every freelancer receives their earning. Freelancers dedicate the 10% fee to the total earnings.

Freelancer can be the best option for you. 

People Per Hour

People per hour has become the most used platform nowadays. Over three million people and one million business owners use this platform. The freelancers of digital marketing, copywriting, and content writing can find work. Graphic designers and various skill sets professionals can found there. 

People per hour dedicate 20% fee of the total earnings of freelancers. People per hour is easy to use and offers safe payment. It supports various payment methods like PayPal, Payoneer Stripe, etc.

You can make your portfolio there. You can also find verified clients throughout the world.


Toptal is one of the best authentic freelance platforms that avoid spam. Toptal offers work with high-tier and professional companies throughout the world. Toptal has a rigorous screening process. The freelancer selected by a process of verification.

Nowadays all freelancing platforms are facing difficulty in avoiding scams. Toptal is one of these platforms that avoid scams 100%. Freelancers and professional companies can connect.

Toptal cannot charge fees from freelancers but companies are ready to spend 200$ per hour.

Toptal is best for those who want to provide authentic and professional work. The entry barrier is one of the biggest disadvantages of the total


99design is the best freelancing website, especially for graphic designers. It offers special services like logo design, business card design business ket design. The client describes what he/she needs in the job post and chooses a verified and best freelancer.

99design offers screening so that all the freelancers are authentic and verified. If you are a graphic designer then 99design can be the best option for you. You can make your portfolio there. 

99design supports many payment methods like PayPal and Payoneer. These payment methods used around the world.


LinkedIn is the most important and one of the best platforms for job and freelancing. It is also a social networking platform. It connects professionals and business owners for a long time. LinkedIn allows freelancers to get a job. Freelancers with skill sets can find work there.

You can sign up and create a profile and put the information as much as possible such as work, education, and skills. Your profile also works as a portfolio.

LinkedIn does not charge any type of fee from freelancers and business owners. Every freelancer, business owner, or professional should create an account on Linkedin.


which website is best for beginners?

Fiverr, Upwork, and all other freelancing websites are best. It depends upon your skill. LinkedIn is the best platform for freelancing and connection building.

what is the number 1 freelancing website?

Fiverr is one of the best freelancing sites. You can sell different kinds of services there

is Upwork good for beginners?

Yes, Upwork is the best platform. It is best for both beginners and experts.

Is Fiverr still relevant in 2024?

Fiverr is one of these platforms that are at the top. Fiverr give equal opportunities to beginners and experts. Its algorithm will be better in 2024

which websites should be chosen for starting?

you should create an account on all the above freelancing platforms. You must use LinkedIn.


All the freelancing websites are best on their way. The choice of platform depends upon your skill. For example at 99design which is a freelance website for designing. It does not work better for marketing as Fiverr or Upwork can. You must use LinkedIn. Linkedin is a social networking as well a freelancing site.

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